Conclusion after the rush at Pentecost: nine-euro ticket promotes debate about better local transport

By ibadmin  | Date: June 06, 2022

Conclusion after the rush at Pentecost: nine-euro ticket promotes debate about better local transport

Conclusion after the rush at Whitsun: nine-euro ticket promotes debate about better local transport

Released on 2022.06 .07

  • Photo: Martin Schutt/dpa /Archive
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    After the first big rush at Pentecost, politicians came up with ideas for fundamental reforms in public transport.

    As expected, the excursion traffic at Pentecost with the nine-euro ticket led to full and overcrowded trains in Germany and Saxony. Sometimes travelers found no more space on the trains - for example on Saturday on the Chemnitz-Leipzig route, where the Mitteldeutsche Regiobahn used additional buses at times. Deutsche Bahn moved...

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